Year 11 Leaver's Plans

Thursday is the last day for our Year 11s! Following this, they will only attend school for their scheduled exams. Good luck in all you do Year 11!
This Thursday, after almost 5 years of hard work, friendships and fall-outs, our Year 11 pupils have their final day in school. We wish them all good luck in their remaining exams and futures. We are so proud of all your hard work and achievements! Below is a reminder of the timings and plans for the day.
Pupils will need to attend in full uniform for their exam and refrain from signing their shirts until lunchtime.
- 8:40-11:05 - All pupils sitting the English Language Unit 3 exam.
- Lesson 3: Extended break until 11:25.
- Lesson 4: Y11 in timetabled lessons.
- Lunch: As normal, pupils are permitted to sign shirts downstairs only.
- Lesson 5: Pupils go to timetabled lesson 5. Teachers will then attend the leavers' assembly with Year 11, beginning at 2pm. This is for pupils and staff ONLY. Families, friends from elsewhere and carers are not permitted to attend. Pupils will then have further time to sign their shirts from 2.30, until they attend Learning Family from 2.45.
- At 3pm, all pupils will need to leave the site for the end of the school day.
Please note, unfortunately, off-site pupils will not be permitted to attend the main school site on this day.